You are here: BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide > Creating and maintaining vaults > Creating a new vault > Excluding existing properties when importing a vault

Excluding existing property values when importing a vault

When creating a new vault in order to migrate data from an existing vault, you have the option to exclude unwanted property values from the new vault. This is possible not only for released or in-progress documents, but also for previous releases or deleted documents. The task that follows will remove the property values completely, even in history mode.

Note    This task does not prevent the property definition itself from being imported into the new vault. The property definition will exist in the vault but the imported documents will not have any values for the excluded properties. To remove the unused property definition, delete it as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Configuration Guide.

To exclude property values during import:

  1. Create a new text file and give it a descriptive name (for example, ImportFilter.ini). This file should contain the following information:
Optional filter file settings
Option Description


When this setting has a value of 1, no history will be imported to the new vault. Omit this setting if you want to import all prior revisions of documents.


When this setting has a value of 1, no sequence numbers will be imported to the new vault. Sequence numbers are often used for programmatically calculating object names such as documents. Omit this setting to import the current values of all sequence numbers so that new objects in the new vault continue the sequences begun in the old vault.


When this setting has a value of 1, the source file path is split into a path and a file name and stored in the AMFSObjectPropertySet._IMPORTEDFROMPATH and AMFSObjectPropertySet._IMPORTEDFROM properties, respectively.

Note    The AMFSObjectPropertySet._IMPORTEDFROM property value can also be configured with the server and client UseImportedFrom registry values described elsewhere in this document.

Following is an example .ini file:

Vault=EDM NoHistory=0 NoSequences=1 SplitImportPath=1

  1. Add a string type value named ImportFilterFile to the registry of the Meridian application server under the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\OML

This value should contain the path and name of the import filter file that you created in step 1.

  1. Using the Administrator tool, create a new vault using the existing vault as input as described in Creating a new vault. After the import, the new vault will not contain the property values specified in the import filter.

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Understanding the Meridian Enterprise Administrator

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Creating a new vault

Viewing and editing vault properties

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